How to install curl ubuntu 14.04
How to install curl ubuntu 14.04

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode) Install Elasticsearch:Įlasticsearch is an open source search server, it offers a realtime distributed search and analytics with RESTful web interface. Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27) It is recommended to install Oracle JDK, verify the java version by using the following command. Since the Elasticsearch is based on java, we would require to install either openJDK or Oracle JDK. GrayLog Web interface = provides you the web-based portal for managing the logs. GrayLog – Log parser, it collect the logs from various inputs.Ĥ. Elasticsearch – Stores the log messages and offers a searching facility, nodes should have high memory as all the I/O operations are happens here.ģ. MongoDB – Stores the configurations and meta information.Ģ.

how to install curl ubuntu 14.04

This guide helps you to install Graylog2 on Ubuntu 14.04, also focus on installation of four other components that makes Graylog2 a power full log management tool. Graylog (formerly known as Graylog2) is an open source log management platform, helps you to collect, index and analyze any machine logs on a centralized location.

How to install curl ubuntu 14.04